Friday, March 20, 2009

My Dreams.......

Okay this few days... maybe i should change it to this few nights, I think I have really good night of sleep as I dream and I remember what i dream after i wake up.

On Tuesday night, my dream was really weird (according to Clem :P) and seriously i think the ending of the dream confirm 100% is me, Ying...!!! Okay it started of like this, i woke up because it was heavy rain outside and i think the thunder wake me up. Since i sleep at one side of the bed which is my face facing the left side of the wall. Guess what, my wall have some sort of bubble and it looks watery. So i touch it and yes indeed, the water flow like as if it is some wall decoration waterfall kinda thing. I got scare so i looked at my sister which sleeping soundly and i realised all the 4 walls of my room have the same "effect"......!!! So i wonder and ponder awhile and then I CONTINUE SLEEP...!!! *swt*

What the hell man?! How can I actually SLEEP?!
Only reason make me dream of water and rain could be the amount of rain we get from the past 2 weeks...!!!

Next is yesterday night's (Thursday) dream. This is a scary one... I think is more like a nightmare than dream. I couldn't remember what izzit all about but is about ghxxt...!!! (I dare not say as i am downstairs all alone and is late already :P) I think i was kidnap by them and something...!!! I got disturb and wake up feeling scare and mind keep having some ugly and scare faces flashing in my mind and it took me awhile to get back to sleep.

Gosh... I swear next week I wont watch the NTV7's 9pm show anymore. Is horrible and even now for me to type this out, I feel SCARE......!!!

Hope tonight i have a good night sleep and hope is a sweet and nice pleasent one....!!! Some country side view, with a relaxing mood......etc.

~ying hope for sweet dreams~

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