Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Law Tutorial = Raining Day

"why every time comes to law tutorial, why (last wednesday and this wednesday) it has to rain...?"

then those monkey (classmates) will starts to think and then "oh ya oo... no wonder i am always late even the class starts at 1pm...", "ah~~ now i know why... normally afternoon class we got no problem in comning on time" or some even better "ya meh...?!" (nic didnt even turn up for class last week because raining he slept till 1.35pm and class is at 1pm)

haha...all the above conversation happened during our break and when i meet robin, nic and andrinne in asia for marketing assignment discussion.

hehe...speaking about meeting my assignment team mates another conversation i would like to share "ying, when you reply my message at 10.45am you just got up right..." by nic with a smile on his face. "LOLZ... (haha...) ya wei, how you know and you just have to mention it ar..." replied by me with a speechless and guilty face. (robin join in and laugh again)

okay matter how need to thank him (nic) for sending the message to me. so after i read it i realised i am late (meet at 11am) so i quickly get up and bath and go to college. the end all of us reach college aound the same time and meet up at asia.

PS: i love raining day because it cooler and ur mood also will be better (even better if there is no 8am class). but the class very cool ar....!!! and feel so sleepy during the class.


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