Saturday, November 8, 2008

okay... this is funny

某天 ~ 黃淙暐的老師 ~在課堂上出習題 ~
(one day~ wong's teacher gave wong an essay)

(title is: My Family)
(I was born in a very poor family, I remember when I was young, my father's life is very boring, he count money all day long and my mother sweep money as daily routine.)

我家住在深山中,每次要出去買東西,都相當麻煩,開保時捷要 5 小時,開賓士也要4 小時;雖然家裡有直昇機,但是開到那邊很難找到停機位,相當的不方便。
(I lived in the mountains, is very troublesome when we need to go shopping. Porsche take 5 hours and Mercedes-Benz need 4 hours to get us back home. Although we owned a helicopters, but is very inconvenience and shopping complex may not have helicopter landing lane.)

我偶爾也會出去逛街,爸媽怕我被綁架,隨身有 20 多個保鑣保護著,大家看到我都嚇跑了,所以我從小就開始被排斥......
因為家裡是在深山,每次到了冬天都非常冷,爸爸也說,出去買東西很麻煩,所以冬天沒有暖爐 ...沒有棉被 ...每天只能陪著爸媽燒錢取暖 ... 而睡覺的時候,也只能蓋著錢睡覺 (我覺得英鎊比較溫暖) 。  
(Occasionally, I go out shopping. Mom and Dad afraid I got kidnap, thus I carry more than 20 bodyguards to protect me. I have no friends because they are scare of me.
During winter is very cold, my father said, shopping is very trouble, so we do not have heater in the house...... So to keep me, my Mom and Dad warm, we burn money instead. I covered myself with money when I go to bed (Pounds is the best).)

記得小時候,有一次,因為房間太大,還來不及跑出房間,就尿褲子了。所以,爸爸在我房間放了一台小綿羊機車,好讓我能在 10分鐘以內,衝出 1000 坪的房間,穿越 5公里的走廊,到達 800 坪的廁所 (我常常在走廊迷路 ) 。  
I remember when I was a child, I urine in my pants because the room was too big and I didnt have time to run to the toilet. Therefore, brought me a bike, so that I can get to toilet in 10 minutes. (I always lost my way to toilet).

爸爸又另外叫人加蓋了 20間 600坪裡面有著250 坪小廁所的破房間。爸爸說:以後如果尿濕了,直接換房間,如果房間不夠或是太小的話,再告訴爸爸,爸爸再叫人來多蓋幾間,我們的生活很辛苦,你要忍著點!!
After that Dad build another 20 rooms and every 600 square ft. it will have a 250 square ft. toilet. Dad said "So next time if you urine in the pants all you need to do is change room, if not enough, I can ask always build more room for you. Our life is very tough, so deal with it son."

My father is such a kind-hearted person! !

還記得有一次,家裡遭小偷,因為他用炸藥炸壞了我爸的保險箱,使得裡面的金幣不斷的往外滾出來,結果竟把那個小偷壓死了 ......我覺得那個小偷好可憐 ...... 金幣壓死人是很痛的!! 他不像之前那個被鈔票悶死的小偷一樣幸運。
There is once, a thieves boomed my father's safe, gold coins roll-out continuously and as results the thieve crushed to death...... Poor thing.......
Some how i think he is lucky because there is this one time a thieves died because he got so bored with the amount of cash he saw in our house.

媽媽也常常告訴我,我們家生活非常困苦~要我學著吃苦~  所以我從小養成了刻苦耐勞精神,我將來的志願,是要找 200 隻會吃錢的怪物,好把家裡的錢都吃光,為那些可憐的小偷報仇!!
I ask myself to work hard so that in the future I able to find 200 Money Eater Monster and eat up all the money. I think I should revenge for those poor thieves! !

Jia Yi Shi Lan Zhao School, Wong Zhong Wei

Teacher's comment: What the hell!

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