Saturday, November 15, 2008

Madagascar 2 VS James Bond

okay...... first wanna wish two friends of mine have a happy and safe journey. One will be going to Japan and another one will be in Bali, Indonesia.
So like i said i am on holiday and so basically i am unemployed and super free right now....
So when for movies.... in Pyramid. Both movies back to back....

James Bond @ 7.10pm and Madagascar @ 9.30pm

For both movies i have got some comments.

First of all James Bond, only thing you may wanna look forward is the action part like car drifting (which i think we see alot in Furious), fighting and jumping and shooting skills (which we always see in all the martial arts show), then what else?

Oh yah.... one thing i love about Bond show is that it show so many beautiful Europe scenery like Italy and so on.... Those are really beautiful. Conclusion about this show is just a so so show and plainly nothing much i want to talk about.

Next is Madagascar 2. It is so so so funny and is MAD MAD MAD and i laugh through out the whole god damn it show. "I like to move it, move it... I like TO.... MOVE IT"

hahha....the whole show is so funny and all the cartoon characters conversation is also damn funny. There are a little bit of Lion King story inside and so there are few new characters in this Madagascar 2.

The most memorable one is Moto Moto. "My name sound so good till you need to say it twice - Moto Moto". Then "You this Mototo listen up......." hahaha....

Next line i don't know should i say touching or hilarious or cute or what ever.... just go watch the movie and i think you will clap hand like the whole cinema people does and also laugh as well. "....they are all black in white...but you are white in black..." this what Alex (the lion) said to the Zebra when he wants to go to the reserves land.

Oh...lets not forget about the 4 cute and naughty penguins. Gosh...the captain finally got marry with his dolly and go for Honey Moon in the end. :) *so cute*

My favourite little baby is MORT, although only appear only like 3 times in this movie but i think it is the CUTEST little baby in this movie.
Basically i like Madagascar 2 more than James Bond.

~tired ying signing out~

1 comment:

clarissaCSL said...

I didn't really get the bond movie. ANd the ending sucks.