Thursday, January 10, 2008

culture shock in korea (5years back)

After a phone conversation with Jac 2 days back, then I got an idea and like to share with everyone my culture shock when I was in korea of holiday (I think about 5 years ago). I remember 2weeks before I fly to Korea I was suspected appendix (haha…before spore trip also the same case). Then my mum was like telling me tat if the doctor say you are not suitable to travel then I will have to stay at home *sob sob* but I “charm” the doctor and he say it is FINE *muahaha*

That night me and jac actually talk about so many topic form education to rotract then to politics then she ask me about blog then about the culture shock in korea. So that is the reason why I have the idea blog about it.

Hehe…”kimchi” is a korea traditional food I am sure everyone who watch korea show will be very familiar with the orange red kind of vege put inside a white Tupperware that normally taken out form the fridge and after that served in a small bowl with rice. They eat that in every meal and sometimes it is even as a main dish where it will mix with seaweed, carrot, some sos, egg and then rice stir it together. The only thing u need to cook is the rice. *impress* (that is my fav and first food when I was in korea)

Oh ya…by the way lots of people do not like the taste and also the smell of kimchi but I am seriously and extremely crazy over it (oh god…my mouth is smiling and it is big enough for my saliva to flow down like water pipe) (~.~)

Hmmm...another thing is the bowl, chopstick, spoon that they used inside each and every shop and even house (from korea show) it is the same standard steel made cutlery where you can easily get it from the road side small little stall, shopping complex...etc. It is like produced by the same manufacture…!!! (I wonder)

Then before you enter a restaurant, I can guarantee that your tour guide will tell you that the biggest and the smallest table you can find inside is the standard square size table which can only fix 4 persons max. (another standard stuff) So if there are 40 people inside the bus then you will be divided into 10 diff tables. In Malaysia we see so many diff size and design tables and if you enter Chinese restaurant you can even transform the small table to bigger table by adding a papan (round wooden thing)

Another very famous thing in korea is the Ginseng (人参) it is a traditional (I think) herbal kinda thing and I remember one of my lunch is the ginseng chicken sup and also the ginseng drink (alcohol). I remember the sup taste is very unique with some chicken essence and somehow there is something that stop the taste and slowly you get the ginseng smell. But the funny part is not the taste, it is the way you eat it. (If I not mistaken)

The bowl size able to fit in one small chicken and then is filled with sup. Then the rice is already stuffed inside the chicken so you need to dig to eat and only after a while you see some small little yellowish root floating on the sup and that is the main character of the day GINSENG ^.^ Sometimes waiter will even hand you some noodle for you so you can put it in to the chicken sup. (Eat it like normal mee soup)

At night we go out for a walk near by the hotel and try some hawkers stall food. After eating all the tasty food your stomach feel so warm and happy cause the weather is so cold. *Owww* *bahagianya*

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